Monday, January 16, 2012

It’s not really the scene I was looking for.
I was hoping for the scene when the boys come home and tell their parents that they’ve got jobs with free beer.  [cut to McKenzie home]
Well, where'd you boys get all this beer?

You stole it, didn't you!?  I'm calling the police!

No way, dad.  This was free beer, dad.  There's more  outside.

How much more?

Oh, about ten or twelve cases.  We got jobs at Elsinore brewery.  We
work there now, eh?

Do you hear that, honey?  They got JOBS!  They got FREE   BEER!
Well, after fourteen (14) years of “unemployment” - - and I use that term guardedly, as there is no other easy term for it, because as a stay at home mom and homemaker, she has been anything but idle & indeed her services in this respect have been invaluable, and we couldn’t have made it this far without her - - Spouse has finally gone back to work.

She got a JOB
(and, almost as good as free beer)
she gets FREE TACOS!!!

Our chef friend (who is wicked good at what he does)
tired of the demands of white table cloths,
executive parties,
and a celebrity chef boss
has decided to open his own restaurant . . .

Spouse not only gets to earn some much needed cash
she gets to help our friends in their nascent business endeavor
I get all the tacos a man can stand!

(And I really like tacos)


  1. The pictures look great! I trust you'll be one of the first in line on Thursday ;)

  2. FREE TACOS!!!! Hells yeh! Looks like a nice place!!
