Thursday, January 30, 2014


well . . . bollocks.
It’s time
(past time actually)
when I have to get off my butt
and out of the house
(in the cold)
and start

I know I should be excited, but I’m more like . . .

“What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here”

But, then again . . .

Monday, January 20, 2014

Eternal Inspiration

Today, we honor a great man,
a great American
whose dream, as yet unfulfilled,
remains an aspiration and goal worthy of all of our efforts.

There is work that remains to be done.
As long as there is injustice, inequality,
and false differences which are used to divide us,
as a united, human, family
there will be work to be done.

Keep moving forward.